Tuesday, December 22, 2015


In his work, The Hero's Journey, scholar and mythologist Joseph Campbell recalls the period of his life as a world class athlete while at Columbia university: "That was a beautiful, beautiful period. I think that meant more to me than anything else. I learned more about living from that time than any other time in my life." 

Working with athletes for over 40 years, I would agree with him. I intentionally teach these great spirits that their sport experience is a valuable classroom for learning the deeper lessons of life. Personally, all that I am, what I do and how I live is a direct reflection of the impact of my physical life, years of running and biking, on my well being. 

What has your physical life taught you about the game of life? I refer to this as Mindful Movement and the spiritual supplements for your athletic soul (or is it sole?)


Tuesday, December 15, 2015


"Those who are firm and inflexible are in harmony with dying; Those who are yielding and flexible are aligned with living"  Tao Te Ching #76.  

Inflexible teeth crack, soft tongues are pliable. Hard pasta thrown against the wall breaks, cooked noodles stick in one piece. 

To live more vibrantly, be flexible, notice the flow of life and blend with it. Soft is, indeed, strong.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Grateful people are happy people. Before you jump out of bed in the morning to take on another day, think of 5 things you are grateful for today including being alive. Your health, your friends, family, work. 

Get the feeling of being grateful and breathe it into your heart and hold the breath for 4 seconds and do it three times. Then in this relaxed state go about the rest of the day and make it a reflection of all you have been given. 

When we are happy we will have a good day and perform well.  FROM GR8FUL 2 GR8.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


We are incarcerated in our minds with society’s shallow beliefs about what we can and can't do. Most of us focus on disabilities rather than the possibilities. 

“Our beliefs are real limits that need to be examined and then transcended”, in the words of the brilliant dolphin researcher, John Lilly. I see examples everyday of people and groups and athletic teams doing the "impossible."

There is the story of a 93 year old who hikes 25 miles each day. When asked how she could do that, she responded, "No one ever told me I couldn't." 

I recently was told by my then agent after 9 rejections of my proposal for my next book that publishers are not looking for this type of book. I didn't believe her but I believed in the material and that it was relevant to these times. So, I did what my heart told me to do... I fired her and hired someone who believed in it. Within 2 weeks, we had three publishers wanting the book. I just signed a beautiful, lucrative contract with a terrific publisher and now I get to make a difference in the lives of others, helping them to question similar occurrences in their lives. 

I live by the adage, "THERE IS A WAY."  When you follow your heart, there will be doors that open where there weren't even doors before, so says Joseph Campbell. In his classic book, “The Alchemist”, Pablo Coelho reminds us that on the journey across the vast desert, caravans will cross our path in opposite directions and they will have just what we need at that moment to continue on our path. 


Tuesday, November 24, 2015


COMMITMENT: The German philosopher, Goethe once wrote: "until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back. There is one element of truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans and that is: the moment one commits, providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help you that never would have occurred...incidents,meetings and assistance which no one could have dreamed would come his way". It's OK to not be committed. It is probably a sign that it is time to move on to something else. It may not be important to you. One of the ways I can sense a lack of commitment on my part for an activity is how my performance with it consistently falls below my potential. Just a thought. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

WU SHI... The Warrior Spirit in Chinese

Wu Shi... The Warrior Spirit in Chinese. The symbol Wu shows a spear at rest, the warrior who does not need to battle to be a hero. Shi represents the civilized person of limitless potential. Taking these symbols and applying them to modern day warriors in sport they indicate one's willingness to push past your breaking point, have no regrets, and work hard even when others are not looking. You must accept responsibility, remain accountable, and strive to win BUT you do not need to win to be successful. Opponents are accepted as partners and you understand that soft is strong and less is more as you think outside the box. As a warrior you become comfortable with being uncomfortable, you are willing to sacrifice and suffer and accept failure, loss and setbacks as your greatest teachers of all time. YOU ENJOY THE JOURNEY and let the outcomes be the by-product of your efforts and preparation. This is WARRIORSHIP, a creative "heart-mind set " for all of life through sports.

Monday, November 9, 2015


Have you ever noticed how animals instinctually know how to use stillness in nature. They all meditate. The heron poised motionless on one leg, the snake basking on a trail in the warmth of the sun, a cat lying on a pillow, eyes focused on one object. To mimic these creatures consider a practice of meditation, a quiet place to clear and free your mind. Focus on the natural movement of your breath, in and out over and over. If you wander off, just say to yourself  "wandering...come back"  then follow the breath's natural flow. There is an ancient adage that says: If you know the art of breathing, you have the strength, wisdom and courage of 10 tigers. Meditation is simple, powerful and helps you to be more present in daily life. BUt you must be consistent. My books all have exercises and instruction for meditation practice. See books on my website: wayofchampions.com.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Realize that your influence is NEVER neutral, never. You have the power to light up a room or cast it into darkness, just by your presence. Your voice, tone, inflection, eye contact, hand movements and all other non-verbal communication determines how others respond to you. Being aware of this simple concept can change your day if not your life. Ask yourself before entering a room, a meeting, a conference, a relationship... How do I wish to influence this situation? What impact do I wish to have in this circumstance? Then do all you can to use your influence for positive outcomes and awesome results. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015


When I am inflexible and rigid, I set myself up for defeat and misery. When I yield, I am in harmony with success and happiness. Rigidity causes tension and stress which obstruct your potential. In what way can you demonstrate the virtue of YIELDING today? WHat examples of rigidity do I exhibit in my behavior each day? How can I change these patterns and free myself for more harmony and success in my life? 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


In Chinese, the expression Shang Shan suggests ascending to the mountaintop in order to escape the chaos and pressures below in daily life. The summit provides a sanctuary, a natural,sacred space of peace, calm, relaxation and therefore clarity of thought. I have run up many mountains and now realize why... I need to get away from the stress and craziness of life. I also have noticed that when I do these awesome runs on trails to the peak, I have been able to write chapters for my books in my head or even get ideas for writing new books, solving personal problems, answering questions and getting clear on paths I must take for a deeper, richer life. And, I haven't even talked about the physical benefits of strenuous mountain exercise. The nice part of being on top of the summit is how it gives you perspective, like an eagle flying above, on all that matters in your life. It is a way for me to achieve harmony, balance, peace and happiness in the moment perched atop of my world. The mountain is calling. It's why I am so attracted to my home in Colorado.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Did you know that the bumble bee, according to scientific researchers, can NOT fly. They determined that it is too fat, too slow, too heavy, not fast enough to get lift to fly. Its wings do not flap fast enough to help get off the ground. Yet we all have seen the bumble bee fly. right?  Why? Because no one ever told them they couldn't fly. And they fly 763 miles a dat for their entire life which is a mere 7 weeks. They seem to have something inside that allows them to believe "they can" and they do. We all have this certain something and it's called BELIEF. There is a 91 year old man who hikes 25 miles a day. When asked " how can you do that? ", he replies " no one ever told me I couldn't". Beliefs are limits to be examined then transcended, said the famous dolphin researcher John Lilly. Or in the words of G.B. Shaw, " dream things that never were and ask 'why not?' ".  How are you limiting yourself today? What can you do to challenge those limits?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Someone once told me that "SUCCESS IS 99% FAILURE". I believe this to be true. All failures, setbacks, errors and mistakes are our greatest teachers, mentors, guides that enable us to learn then forge ahead. Several of my books have been rejected for publication numerous times and each time I learned from the publisher what I needed to know to make it a better book. These learning experiences made me the writer that I am today as I begin to write my 12th book. I like to tell my athletes that they are working with someone who is a failure... and proud of it. They laugh but get the point.  Embrace failure for what it is. Remember that the arrow that hits the bullseye is the result of 100 misses. 

Monday, September 7, 2015


Are you wanting to take a risk in your life that could potentially create more abundance, joy and happiness? Yet, your fear blocks all your efforts to move forward. You are waiting for some assurance or guarantee before you take the leap. We are talking about a leap of faith and without that, nothing seems to move forward in life. I am a risk taker. I assess the conditions and if the worst-case scenario is manageable I go ahead and jump. I keep in mind, the words of the famous author, Ray Bradbury who says that when you want to move forward in your life, you must take a risk. He reminds us that when you are at the edge of a cliff, "jump and build your wings on the way down". I appears that most people I know will stand on that edge and wait for wings to be built. If you jump before that, you will have others come to your rescue, doors will open where they didn't open before, doors will appear where there weren't even doors previously, answers will come to you, the right people will come into your life and opportunity will present itself. At worst, you will land on your feet, learn from the experience and begin the process again. I love the acronym for fear: F.E.A.R. = False evidence appearing real.