Monday, September 7, 2015


Are you wanting to take a risk in your life that could potentially create more abundance, joy and happiness? Yet, your fear blocks all your efforts to move forward. You are waiting for some assurance or guarantee before you take the leap. We are talking about a leap of faith and without that, nothing seems to move forward in life. I am a risk taker. I assess the conditions and if the worst-case scenario is manageable I go ahead and jump. I keep in mind, the words of the famous author, Ray Bradbury who says that when you want to move forward in your life, you must take a risk. He reminds us that when you are at the edge of a cliff, "jump and build your wings on the way down". I appears that most people I know will stand on that edge and wait for wings to be built. If you jump before that, you will have others come to your rescue, doors will open where they didn't open before, doors will appear where there weren't even doors previously, answers will come to you, the right people will come into your life and opportunity will present itself. At worst, you will land on your feet, learn from the experience and begin the process again. I love the acronym for fear: F.E.A.R. = False evidence appearing real. 

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