Sunday, September 27, 2020


 Here is # 2 for The New Normal in WIN THE DAY

2. HEART FROM THE START: Here is a new normal idea that I know you’ll want to implement immediately. It is called “Heart from the Start.” It’s a simple concept based in mindfulness. How many times have you experienced your team, in practice or a game, come to the field and have a sluggish start? They sit back and wait to see what develops so they can go with the flow. Before they realize it, they have fallen behind and struggle to get back into the event. Admittedly, there are certain times when it might be a good strategy to go with the flow, but I believe that most of you reading this are thinking, “I want us to BE THE FLOW. If that is your goal, then your culture can establish your new normal called “Heart from the Start.” Being mindful of this phrase and attaching a specific action plan that describes what this looks like, what it means specifically to begin the game in this way, you can practice it daily and when the time comes, the execution is a precise replication of that action plan. The phrase “Heart from the Start” becomes the affirmation mantra that will “jump start” our competitive juices as you compete with your hair on fire. Remember, for this to work well, you must identify specific behaviors

or actions you wish to execute and practice that on a regular basis. Coming out on fire in the first five minutes of a game sends a convincing message to opponents that your mean business.

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