Wednesday, December 23, 2020


 Here is something I give thought to every time I am given the privilege of being in a leadership role.

It is called Organic Leadership. Be a farmer!

Most who call themselves coach/leader are using what seems to be an industrial model, a linear, authoritative approach based on conformity. They seem to "manufacture" good soldiers who follow orders. The Warrior Leader, on the other hand, uses a creative agricultural model, one that is organic in nature not mechanical. They are able to establish environments of "good soil" where others will flourish. They are willing and able to "customize" conditions to the circumstances of a situation depending on individual differences and needs. With such personalized leadership, they "grow" proteges who, rather than follow orders from others like a good soldier, they follow the orders of their hearts. The difference between the two styles is drastic: the first model is akin to eating greasy "fast food" while that of the Warrior leader feeds on organic, healthy gourmet fare. The former is more financially, physically and spiritually costly . The latter energizes,inspires, and empowers the spirit...good "soul food". What model do you prefer? Can I take your order? Can I fill your cup with love and heart?

Keep shining, DocJ

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