Friday, December 11, 2020


 Examine your beliefs to see if, indeed, they limit or expand you. Here are some thoughts taken from my book WIN THE DAY.

There is an expression I use; what you believe you receive. We have within ourselves all of what we need to accomplish extraordinary things. The iconic bumblebee, it is too small, too heavy and has a low aerodynamic structure, yet it can fly hundreds of miles in a single day.

I love to tell my teams that their opponent’s greatest advantage is your lack of belief in yourselves. I then proceed to mention that this belief they must have is not connected to outcomes or results. Their belief needs to focus on all that they can control; the little things, their promises and their culture. I say you may or may not win the game but you’ll compete like crazy and play your very best. BELIEVE THAT!

Here’s how to coach the value of BELIEF with your culture:

  •   When you feel a sense of self-doubt and lack of belief, know that you are probably concentrating too much on what you can’t control: the outcomes, results, points or goals scored.Refocus, instead, on believing in the following:

  •   Believe in yourself and your team and staff. You have skills, strategies, and enough talent to perform well. Simply show up at your even and believe that you can demonstrate your current level of expertise. Believe that you are in a position where the best will happen. Expect to have fun and enjoy the process. Believe you will be better because of the experience.

  •   Believe in your teammates or partners. Believe that they, too, are willing to do all they can to make the most of a situation. Have discussions in the group about commitment and desire with regard to going all-out and giving your best. Believe that you are there for each other, and when the going gets tough you’re willing to even bleed for each other.

  •   Believe that your coaches and leaders have the same goals and desires as you and the team, and will work endlessly to give of themselves and do all that’s needed in order for everyone to experience their full potential.

  •   Believe that achievement is yours when you believe all of the above. Expect to achieve higher levels of performance. Believe you will have a great experience and terrific season as you put yourself and your teammates and coworkers in position to be the best all of you can be.

  •   Believe in the need to start doing that you’re not doing in order to strengthen your belief in yourself. What do you need to stop doing that you are doing in order to strengthen your belief in yourself?

According to psychologist John Lilly, “beliefs are limits to be examined and transcended.” The ancient Chinese book, THE TAO TE CHING, teaches us that “evolved individuals have no fixed minds.”

William James, the brilliant American philosopher, once said that “human beings, by changing the inner beliefs of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.”

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