Coaches may want to be aware more often about the sacred nature of sport...For many of athletes and performers,their relationship with sport,movement,fitness and LIFE is often a confusing one,filled with conflict,contradiction and confusion. So often there is this existential dilemma between how they compete or go about their training and fitness programs AND their deeply held values and ideals...what I call the soul qualities that really matter and make a difference. If you want more from these athletes, it would be helpful to tune them into this concept. Qualities like integrity,dependability,reliability,courage, patience,persistence,honesty and perseverence ...are how they would define themselves to others as individuals yet when it comes to working out, they fail to "work within" ( see my book "Working Out,Working Within") and not live up to our notion of who they are. they fail to realize the intimate connection between the physical and spiritual and as a result, perform "out of character" as it were. They seek to be genuine yet fear and pain throw them off track. They perform contrary to their essence , that which makes them who they are. For example, because of their obsession with winning,victory and being the best, they may resort to cheating,drugs,cutting corners,fighting and hurting each other to get what they obsessively desire. They basically become driven in ways that are inconsistent with the sacred values they cherish.
What is needed is a new relationship with performance and that takes the higher road and functions with where all of our physical work, rather than be a battle against score,time,opponent and outcomes becomes and arena for the battles within against our fears, self-doubt and failures. We win these battles with "weapons of the heart", those very virtues that we hold in high esteem, those qualities of the heart that define who we are...the one's I refer to above. This is when profound change can occur and sport becomes the conduit for inner growth. This is when we live,play and compete in alignment with our hearts, that sacred space of greater meaning and value to all of our needs and accomplishments. As a coach begin to help them to narrow the gap between what they say they will do and what, indeed they actually do. When in the space of soul, they will act with such integrity, they will do the workouts, the training and compete with all that they have in themselves. They will be courageous and committed. they will recognize the inherent value of the sport, the game, the contest and respect their opponents and themselves and life as well. They will be grateful for the gifts of health and wellness they have been given and make their physical lives a reflection of these gifts. They will admire a dedication to the little things accomplished with brilliance rather than the brilliant things done marginally. They will be open,confident in controlling what can be controlled, let go of what they can't control( outcomes and results) and aware( Mindful) that they are a part of a larger more significant game greater than any they play.
Encourage them to let their physical activity be an opportunity to strengthen their souls...what they stand for, who they are. Impress upon them that if they complete their daily work with integrity,they must be sure to complete their "workout" in the same way. As we do one thing, we must do all things.
I'll be back here soon. Appreciate your attention. JPL
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