I refer to the word "power" not as having power over someone or something but the power to...to lead,guide,influence,inspire and empower. In this sense, questions and the subsequent answers are POWERful ( full of power)ways to guide others forward. The brilliant Greek philosopher, Socrates, taught in this fashion, bringing many of his followers using well thought out questions, to awareness on their journeys of life. After all, a journey is a QUEST for wisdom and enlightenment and from the word "quest", we get "quest-ion", the means by which we discover the where,how,what and why along the path. In my work, I am always using questions to help lead and coach others. I encourage them( give them courage) to search for the answers that ultimately reside within each of them. The following are just the tip of the iceberg and I invite you to begin creating your own penetrating questions based on the needs and directions of others under your guidance. Have them write their responses and use that for lively discussion ,learning and awareness.
1) What are the tangibles you bring to the group/team?
2) What are the intangibles?
3) What 5 things do you LOVE about your sport/life?
4) What are your personal goals for this next few months,what are the obstacles, how will you hurdle them? Be very specific...measurable items.
5) If you freed self to perform to your capacity, what do you imagine is possible?
6) What are 3 ways that I can best serve the group/team?
7) What book, music, person, poems INSPIRE you? How can you use it to help your performance?
8) What 5 specific behaviors/things can I do each day that will make me happy?
9) What athlete/person do you admire and why? What 3 behaviors define this individual and how can you begin to imitate these traits in your life?
10) What do you like most about yourself as an athlete/person? Like least? What can you begin to do today to change a few of them?
11) OK, you may want to steer clear of Q # 11. Although I have personally found this one to be the most important and penetrating Q one can ask in life, it can get pretty darn wild. And, it could require years to fully answer. Ready? Who am I ( really)?, Where am I going? Who do I wish to take with me?
You will notice how most,if not all, of these questions are internal & have a spiritual component. Remember that as a coach and leader, your followers performance has much to do with body,mind AND spirit. We are all spiritual beings having a life experience...as opposed to living beings having a spiritual experience...although at times this may be the case.
These leadership/coaching blogs...web logs as it were... that I am writing at this point are the mere bones and partial structure of the body of my next book on Warrior Leadership( see Blog by tghe same name). Although all material is copyrighted by me , feel free to quote and use but I would appreciate giving credit where it is due. In truth, all of this material is not my doing. It has been developed by me from the wisdom I have garnered from others and experienced personally in my profession and life. I hope it stimulates something inside you as it has done for me.
I might take a week off to refresh my writing button... The pause between the notes is what makes great music. I guess this may hold true for writing as well.
Namaste', DOC J
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