Here is the first of many posts for this new year 2021. With these 5 senses, you will be able to be the architect of a SENSE-ational year.. Join me,[;ease, in making this the best one ever.
You want to be sure that your leadership and coaching styles make sense. Here are my Big 5, the five senses of your culture that make sense in order to be a sensible leader and coach...and sensitive as well:
1) A Sense of Humor. If you take yourself too seriously, you are in deep, murky trouble. Your calling is serious business but not you. You are a silly, sometimes crazy yet great human and by definition you screw up, you fail, your athletes and followers fail...we are all human and this is what we do. I like to think about the leaders in the comedy series and movie, M.A.S.H. Whom do you like and dislike? And why? Guess what? those who had humor and didn't take themselves seriously were highly effective. You decide but the role of humor in leadership and coaching is imperative for the "safe environment" I talk so much about.
2)A Sense of Generosity. Think of coaching and leadership as a "giving process" not a "getting process". Look for ways to give,serve and help. When a follower fails or does something wrong, give forgiveness and tolerance and watch them get back quickly on track. Be generous with love,respect and trust. Care!!!
3)A Sense of Possibility( not disability). Ask your followers to dream things that never were and ask.Why not? (Thank you G.B.Shaw). Promote courage to take risks and not worry about outcomes. The process of risk taking empowers them to keep going in the face of setback knowing that we all learn and improve in that way. No Risk,No Gain is my mantra.
4)A Sense of Gratitude. Help others to embrace what they have been given...healthy bodies,minds, hearts, opportunities, work, life. Have them understand that all successful people seem to have a deep sense of appreciation and their work and performance becomes a huge reflection of that gratitude.
5) A Sense of Humility. Remember that we are ALL interconnected to something greater than self. I am quick to reming my seminarians and athletes whom I lead and coach that all of who I am and what I do is not my doing. Without others in my life...including those I lead and coach...I could not do what I do and would not be who I am.( "I AM"...see the movie/documentary by the same's tied into this)
I am honored and privileged to be asked by others to work with them. They teach me all that I need to know so I can, in turn, teach them. It is a give and take and I humbly recognize and embrace that thought.
As I read over this Big 5, I realize that without these, I can not do my work. My work is being these and from that place, my influence will yours. When I disconnect from any ONE of these, I notice that I struggle in all of my life. I encourage you to practice these 5 in addition to all else that makes you shine. KEEP SHINING, JPL
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