Monday, October 26, 2020


 Here is a short excerpt form a long Foreword by Coach Steve Kerr, NBA Warriors, about my book called WIN THE DAY.  I'm hoping that you are able to read out and if not, at least read excerpts from my blog about it because I want you to experience, joy, compassion, mindfulness and much success with your career as a coach. Thanks for reading my BlogSite.

WIN THE DAY, written by Dr. Jerry Lynch. It is a book about the power of connection, caring and core values in a successful team culture, much like that of the Golden State Warriors. It is a book that will help you to create, model and sustain what championship teams like the Seahawks and Warriors do on a daily basis. Through our conversations, texts and emails, Jerry has helped me to pass on the “win the day” philosophy in our Warrior culture. To achieve success in sports, I believe a team’s culture has to be connective, caring and authentic, one way or another. It must come from the heart and soul of the coach and the athletes. Jerry captures that important dynamic perfectly in WIN THE DAY, his seminal project in a long, distinguished career in sports, and helps you to implement its guiding principles.

Jerry has written 14 books and aided over 115 championship teams in 30 years of culture work at the Pro, College and High School levels. I first met him during my playing days with the Chicago Bulls through our mutual friend and coach, Phil Jackson. Jerry’s books, THINKING BODY, DANCING MIND and THE WAY OF THE CHAMPION were an inspiration to me during my playing days and now valued by me as a coach. And Jerry continues to inspire me with his latest work, as I advance my coaching skills and career, trying to make the best possible connection and demonstrate caring with my players which helps them achieve their ultimate individual and collective greatness. WIN THE DAY is a book that every coach, athlete, CEO and leader in any aspect of life should read to understand how to best build a “win the day” culture for a team’s ultimate success.

 The cover to this book appears on my 11/13 post


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