Here is #5 of the new normal.
5. COMPASSIONATE WARRIORS: Here is the fifth element of the new normal. As you get more familiar with the win the day cultural tenets, and the undergirding philosophy and foundation of my WAY OF CHAMPIONS brand, I can tell you that they have their roots in the ancient Tibet legendary kingdom of Shambhala, located high in the Himalayas. It was a culture of enlightened warriors, valiant fighters of indomitable spirit. They were considered fearless, tenacious athletes of iron will. They were armed with weapons of the heart such as courage, integrity and fortitude. (If not already, this will begin to sound familiar as you read on.) They perceived loss, obstacles and failure as opportunities to learn, grow and become more aware. These warriors sacrificed for others, worked hard when no one was looking, remained accountable and did not need to win to be successful. Opponents were partners. You became comfortable with being uncomfortable. You enjoyed the journey, willing to suffer, sacrifice and even fail if that’s what it would take.
So, as you might imagine, Warriorship is a rigorous spiritual training that awakens all who take the journey to higher levels of personal performance. It relies on this ancient tradition while providing a valuable modern application of such training for athletics, fitness, and present-day life. In the words of the Chinese sage Lao Tzu, “Keep the ancient, flow with the present.” You need to know this: the Warrior Way is a never-ending journey; mastering it simply means staying on track. My book WIN THE DAY is meant to help you to do just that, to keep you on this path, to continually win the day.