After a 2 year hiatus from my Blog Site, I once again begin to record my thoughts as they relate to sports and ultimately, LIFE. I see sports as a vehicle to take us to places in our lives that we never dreamed possible. So here I go, launching this Blog site and hoping to continue to let you know what I am thinking about.
So, the major shift that I recommend for my high performing teams is this: I ask them to consider going from "LET'S WORK TOGETHER TO BEAT OUR OPPONENT" to "LET'S WORK TOGETHER TO COMPETE LIKE CRAZY WITH OUR FREEGIN' HAIR ON FIRE DOING THE FREEGIN' STUFF WE LOOOOVE TO DO". The main difference between the two thoughts is this: The former you can not control and this makes you tight tense and tentative. The latter you CAN control and this makes you calm, relaxed, focused and confident. This is where REAL CONFIDENCE comes from.
All of my 36 National Championship teams get this difference and commit to simply competing without concern for outcomes or results. Let those be the mere outcome of controlling what you can and let the scoreboard take care of itself.
That's it, everyone... come back for more as I am ready to keep this train rolling
As always, much love and chi,