Wednesday, February 22, 2012


  We all must see when we are following a script in life whether we are teaching, presenting a talk, leading,coaching, acting, playing an athletic game. We follow what's written on sheets of paper or what we think is expected from us by others ( peers, audiences, fans, coaches,teachers) in position to judge and criticize what we do. We fear that we may forget what's to be said, fear that we will make a mistake, look silly or foolish, look unprofessional, ignorant, unknowing and the list goes on and on.
   Unfortunately, following the script is a sure way to get yourself in trouble and fail. I find that the more I rely on the script, the further I separate myself from my heart, my passion and the deep connection with what I am trying to communicate or achieve. Yes, I do PERFORM but there is absolutely no connection or relationship to the present moment. I am DOING not BEING...doing work, doing a talk, doing a performance rather than BEING genuine, authentic, transparent, present, focused in the now and confident in simply executing the little things that make big things happen ( from little streams come big rivers). I essentially am a human being NOT a human doing. All performances are not about tools, strategies, techniques, gimmicks, power points, skill demonstration, information dissemination... It's about Being Present and trusting what you have within...knowledge, wisdom, innate intelligence mentally or physically... and allowing it all to flow in an environment that is emotionally engaging and safe from criticism and failure.
   What I want to continue to practice... and I have practiced this for 35 years now... is giving up what I DO for HOW I CAN BE (I can do almost anything I have trained to do BUT, can I be present,genuine and focused on the little things?). It is then, and only then, when I can have my greatest INFLUENCE in bringing truth, joy, empowerment and inspiration to those willing to open their hearts to such an experience.  This is simple...BUT not easy.