I love the word "FALLOW" although I do not love the process. I am learning to accept it as a natural process following a long period of pushing forward in life. I notice that I have been hibernating from my Blog page due to a rather unusual period of low drive and motivation. I think I get to this place of no movement because it really helps me to understand my clients who tell me that they, too, feel this kind of lethargy of the spirit. I am not sure how this all will play itself out but what I am learning is that we must be kind and compassionate to ourselves and trust that the pilot light will once again burn brightly when the time is right. I have always come through this dormant stage of life and I usually worry about it more than is necessary. I am at a crossroads ( + ) and I search each day for sign posts that will direct me toward continuing to find ways to make a difference in peoples lives. I don't think that the well is dry and I refuse to believe that I my work in life is complete. I have many miles to go before I sleep. I hope this makes sense and helps in some way. For me, writing this is a small way to reunite with my writing. I look forward as I DELVE into 2012.
Much, much love and chi... DocJ