Saturday, July 9, 2011


    In the words of the Samurai Warrior,"expect nothing but be ready for anything". OOPS!!!  Given my extensive background, education,books written, other products, my clinics,talks,seminars and accrued wisdom over the years, and this dynamic website advertising achievement, there is this illusion I carry around that I am above it more need for lessons in this life...I passed the final exam and I can now live peacefully without angst. Not so fast cowboy! I have just had one of the most challenging two weeks in recent memory. All the result of misguided expectations.  I should know better...THE KEY to a happy,successful and peaceful life: lower your expectations.It works every time.  But it is easy to fall into the "E-Trap" especially when you feel certain that things should be a certain way. ( There I go again...SHOULDS!!!) I do much better each day when I replace the "shoulds" with "could"...It COULD be that way, He could do that, she could do this...BUT SHOULD...TRAPPED.
   So now, because I think he should do a certain thing, I am disappointed and feel let down when he doesn't. What I am noticing lately is how disappointment is,itself, a spiritual path. When I become AWARE of this, I can "let go and let be". I can still have my opinion as to what I believe is correct and the right thing to do... yet if I want to suffer less, expect nothing and then be ready for anything. After all, I really do not know what is best for anyone. All I need to do is to notice and act not judge and wait and watch. Here is my latest plan: Expect nothing THEN I can expect to feel peaceful, calm, happy and have fun. And, expect good things to happen...even when they appear to not be so good.
   Life school never ends...sessions are always can EXPECT that. To not do so will create disappointment when the next lesson presents itself. Like most of life this is simple BUT not easy.
I have to go...some people are expecting me and I don't want to disappoint them...I told them I would be there for them.